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Tammy Winters

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About Tammy Winters

Tammy Winters is an adult model. She was Gallery Magazine's 'Girl next Door of the Month' for April 1995 and Gallery Magazine's 1996 Girl Next Door of the Year

Tammy Winters Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Girl/girl: Kissing, Boob Touching, Boob Licking, Oral

Tammy Winters Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

I always liked Gallery Magazine back in the 90s. Beautiful models, solo, with no dudes! They eventually went the way of all the other mens magazines but they were great for a while. Tammy was super hot. I wish I could find more Gallery models!

Posted by Jayblues 2024-06-20 02:04  🛈  

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Gallery in the 80's and early to mid 90s was at its peak. By the late 90's the magic was fading.

Posted by Jared_Hustle 2025-01-17 22:00  🛈  

Tammy was the Gallery Magazine Girl Next Door of April 1995 and the GND of the year for 1996. Gallery could be pretty gross sometimes (some of the ladies vying for GND of the month honors were not exactly supermodels, and the advertisements could be out there) but Tammy was far and away a highlight of the magazine's history. Modelling for Gallery, she always struck me as a major league player signed with a minor league company. She could have easily been a Playboy Playmate or a Penthouse Pet. On the off chance you ever read this, I still love you Tammy! Thank you for fueling some of my early adult fantasies, even if it did make my then-wife furious!

Posted by Jared_Hustle 2023-08-26 17:17  🛈  


Posted by azeri98 2021-12-28 23:57  🛈  

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