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Amanda Rushing

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About Amanda Rushing

Amanda was the Cyber Girl of the Week in September 2000.

Amanda Rushing is an American actor, comedian, model, producer, singer and songwriter. She was born on August 13, 1978 in Houston, Texas, United States.

Amanda Rushing's measurements are 34-24-36, she has natural breasts.

Amanda Rushing was a featured Playboy model in September 2000.

Originally from Texas she made her way to Los Angeles California by herself at the age of 18. She'd only been in Hollywood a couple of years when she landed a starring role in a hidden gem called Raw Energy.
Amanda has been modeling since she was a late teen. Featured in magazines, she even wrote a column for one. Amanda was then picked as one of Playboys first Cybergirls.
This gave Amanda more of an online presence.

Amanda Rushing Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Link badgeCyber Girl of the Week - September 2000: Amanda Rushing - Playboy Plus2022-12-08

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