Babepedia Site Statistics

General statistics

Number of babes: 120620
Number of babes with a biography text: 38229 or 31.69%
Number of babes with an X account: 28417 or 23.56%
Number of babes with an Instagram account: 41978 or 34.8%
Number of babes with a YouTube account: 8435 or 6.99%
Number of babes with an OnlyFans account: 11189 or 9.28%
Number of galleries: 15919
Number of photos: 249170
Average number of photos per gallery: 16
Number of comments posted (profiles): 21896
Number of comments posted (galleries): 127170
Number of comments posted (total): 149066
Number of user links posted: 675611
Number of registered users: 108605
Number of babes favorited by registered users: 3795308
Number of votes by registered users: 4165414

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