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Amy Elizabeth Jackson

aka Amy Elizabeth Valente / Amy Jackson / Amy Lia Jackson / theallamericanbadgirl More info on her aliases

Amy Elizabeth Jackson alias list:
Amy Elizabeth Valente (Real Name)
Amy Jackson
Amy Lia Jackson
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About Amy Elizabeth Jackson

Beautiful Amy Elizabeth Jackson was born and raised '''Amy Elizabeth Valente''' in New Jersey. Amy studied acting at Stuart Stone’s Commercial Acting Workshop in Los Angeles, and has also studied improv comedy at the Upright Citizens Brigade and Second City there, as well. She has around 1.1 million followers on her Instagram.

Known as “theallamericanbadgirl”, Amy has two siblings one of whom is her brother Joe Valente and sister named Briana Valente.

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Ça donne envie

Posted by legrandsir 2024-12-18 11:50  

I want to wish you Happy Birthday and may all of your dreams expectations goals hopes and wishes become a reality.

Posted by Punisher504 2024-05-23 06:52  


Posted by Oosquai 2023-07-19 21:46