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Annie Archer

aka Madison More info on her aliases

Annie Archer alias list:
Madison - BackroomCastingCouch
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About Annie Archer

Annie joined the industry in 2020. Before then she watched porn often and fantasized about becoming a performer. At that time she frequently masturbated. She joined the adult industry to help alleviate her need for masturbation and lessen her sexual frustration. Ironically she lost her virginity in her first adult scene – her primary reason for not having had sex before then was that her previous boyfriend had been gay.

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User comments

I certainly hope no one is sincerely falling for that story about her losing her virginity on screen. If you'll believe that then I worry about you surviving on the internet.

Posted by ryanon 2024-06-29 16:35 (edited 2024-06-29 16:39)  

This young bitch is so perfect!!!!!

Posted by DelijaizValjeva 2022-09-23 01:10