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aka Ci Ci / Ciara Harris / Ciara Princess Harris / Super-C More info on her aliases

Ciara alias list:
Ci Ci
Ciara Harris
Ciara Princess Harris
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About Ciara

Ciara Princess Harris (born October 25, 1985), who performs under the mononym Ciara (pronounced /siˈærə/), is an American recording artist, producer, dancer, fashion model, and actress. Born in Austin, Texas, Ciara made her debut in the summer of 2004 with the Billboard number-one single "Goodies".

As of April 2024, she has amassed 35.3 million Instagram followers.

Ciara Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Aging well!!!

Posted by BKro14 2024-12-02 09:42  

One picture of Ciara? That’s practically a crime!

Posted by joker13 2021-02-17 09:37