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Isobel Garcia Orobiyi

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About Isobel Garcia Orobiyi

Isobel Garcia Orobiyi is a Equatorial Guinean glamour model. She was Penthouse Pet of the Month Miss September 1972.

According to the write up in the magazine, she was working and living in Madrid Spain at the time. She was a dancer and a movie actress.

Excerpt from commentary of an auction where a 120mm transparency by BG was sold:

"if you saw Isobel Garcia Orobiyi before her Penthouse premiere in our Seventh Anniversary issue, it was undoubtedly in one of the countless spanish-produced films that Isobel has graced as an actress, dancer, and singer. These well-integrated talents have come naturally to this daughter of a Spanish father and a black African mother."

Isobel Garcia Orobiyi Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Isobel Garcia Orobiyi Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

The September 1972 issue of Penthouse was the first mens mag I ever owned. Images of Isobel have stuck with me since...

Posted by boofer123 2016-07-06 10:29  🛈  

does anyone have any info on Isobel Garcia Orobiyi? Did she do any adult movies? Thanks!

Posted by kindofblue100 2014-06-28 21:10  🛈  

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