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Ivana Krunic

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About Ivana Krunic

Ivana Krunic is a popular artist from Serbia. Popnable collects information about 1 songs by Ivana Krunic. Artist's music video reached 1.1M total impressions, 6.6K upvotes, and 519 downvotes . The highest Ivana Krunic 's charting position is 56 , and the worst ranking place is 255 . Ivana Krunic's songs spent 8 weeks in the charts. Most climbed song of Ivana Krunic reached +93 positions up. The worst movement is 13 places down.

Ivana Krunic Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Ivanice karuljice,prelepa si i prezgodna si.
Kod njenog momka Baneta vazi ona stara"Ne jebe lep,nego uporan"!!!!!

Posted by DelijaizValjeva 2022-09-25 15:11  🛈