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Jarah Mariano

aka Jarah-Evelyn Makalapua Mariano More info on her aliases

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Jarah-Evelyn Makalapua Mariano
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About Jarah Mariano

Jarah Mariano is an Asian-American supermodel. She is of Hawaiian, Korean and Chinese descent. Contrary to popular belief due to a magazine misprint, she is not of French roots and is also not the first Asian Victoria's Secret model. She has campaigns for MAC cosmetic ads, featured in ads from Armani Exchange, Sephora, Abercrombie & Fitch, PacSun, Victoria's Secret and is in Jay-Z's "Show Me What You Got" video. Bruce Weber immortalized her in L'Uomo Vogue alongside her father; she was also the subject of Weber's lens for Abercrombie & Fitch. She is represented by model agency IMG. She is a Pace University graduate and currently resides in New York City.

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