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Krista Nell

aka Doris Kristanel More info on her aliases

Krista Nell alias list:
Doris Kristanel
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About Krista Nell

Krista Nell was born in 1946 in Austria. During her short Eurostarlet career she played (and appeared unabashedly nude) in many European exploitation films, such as The Feast of Satan (1971) (lead), Decameroticus (1972), Decameron proibitissimo (Boccaccio mio statte zitto) (1972), The Sensuous Doll (1972), The Slasher ... Is the Sex Maniac! (1972) Hand of the Godfather (1972), the X-rated "Penetration"The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (1975). She died from leukemia on June 19, 1975, she was Forced to switch to a supporting role in her last film The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (1975) because of her illness.

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