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Lauren Findley

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About Lauren Findley

Lauren Findley is a Gymshark athlete and fitness competitor. She is 26 years old and lives in The United States Of America. Back then, Lauren Findley was also as normal as other women out there. She was always very active and athletic, used to go to gym and for running but she never aimed for pushing herself for an intense physique like this. She always tried to take complete care of her diet but despite of that sometimes ate what was available for her at the moment.

Lauren Findley ended as 5th place in the 2015 NPC South Jersey Championship. She then worked hard even more on her body and competed again in the 2016 NPC South Jersey Championship. She won first place there and slowly people started knowing her. When she made her Instagram (Social Media App) account and posted her pictures there, a large amount of people were attracted and her fame started to rise quickly.

As of May 2024, she has amassed 696,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

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