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Marina Ruy Barbosa

aka Marina Souza Ruy Barbosa More info on her aliases

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Marina Souza Ruy Barbosa - Real name
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About Marina Ruy Barbosa

Brazilian actress, businesswoman and writer. Throughout her career, Marina has won different and diverse awards for her performances, including Troféu Imprensa, Prêmio Jovem Brasileiro, Troféu Internet, Prêmio Contigo! TV, Cariocas of the Year, and several others. A success in advertising, the actress is the face of major brands, including Eudora, Renault, Pantene, Colcci, Vivara, Valisere, Yves Saint Laurent and Dior. She began acting as a child, and made her first notable work in 2004 in the role of Aninha in the soap opera Começar de Novo.

As of June 2024, she has amassed 42.1 million followers on Instagram & 5.5 million followers on her TikTok platform.

Marina Ruy Barbosa Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

Marina Ruy Barbosa Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Marina Ruy Barbosa Links

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User comments

A redhead hottie for the elite.

Posted by Nando 2025-03-05 20:29  🛈  


Posted by TwinPeaksFan 2024-12-08 07:10  🛈  

Ruiva de elite

Posted by Experimental 2024-08-25 05:00  🛈  

A wonderful rich bitch from the upper classes...besides being an well known actress and advertising icon. A true money machine kkkk
I love her style.

Posted by Nando 2024-02-19 18:36  🛈