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Milagros Cabral

aka Mila / Milagritos / Milagros Cabral De La Cruz More info on her aliases

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Milagros Cabral De La Cruz
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About Milagros Cabral

Milagros Cabral De La Cruz (born October 17, 1978, in Santo Domingo) is a retired female volleyball player from the Dominican Republic who won the 1998 silver and three consecutive gold medals in 2002, 2006 and 2010 at the Central American and Caribbean Games.

She competed for her native country at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece and at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Great Britain and played in four consecutives World Championships from 1998 to 2010.

As a professional player, she won the "Most Valuable Player" for the Spanish club Ícaro Alaró, when her club won the 2007 Liga Fev Championship. In addition, in 2008 with the Puerto Rican club Pinkin de Corozal, she was awarded Most Valuable Player and crowned with the championship.

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