Last year, we held a poll to ask you, our users, what feature they would like to see most. We picked a few and implemented two items from the top 3 (Improved bra/cup size handling and Personal top 10 rankings).
This year, we want to do it again. We have compiled a new list based on our ideas and the best ideas from the ideas page. Please pick one and submit your vote. Also, please drop your opinion in the comments section. If you want to vote for more than one idea, simply post it in the comment section, and we’ll take it into consideration.
Last year, the Photo Ratings idea was a favorite of many. We implemented it but were unhappy with how it works, so we put it “on hold” for now and have included a variation in the poll below.
The options are:
- Profile Attributes/Tags – Users can attach attributes or tags to profile pages. It is very broad and used for things currently not on the page. We can use it for hobbies (dog lover, car enthusiast, …), skills (polyglot, martial arts, …), general physical attributes (curly hair, pale skin, birthmark, …), breasts (size, shape, firmness, areolas, nipples, …), and more. We can then integrate that it into the advanced search engine and OnlyFans search and make a lot more lists.
- Social Network Features – Bring some social network features to the site, such as avatars (user photos), adding friends, private messaging, …
- Improving The Site Design – Improving the site with changes here and there, mainly focusing on the advanced search and profile pages.
- New Site Design – Similar to the previous item but going further. Think of it like a complete makeover.
- Photo Ratings (Revised) – This revision of last year’s idea. We want to allow the users to rate the profile page photos on the site with a thumbs up/down. We don’t want to clutter the current photo viewer with a voting system, so we would add a separate “Photo rating” page where you can view and rate all the photos. Only registered users can vote here. In the second phase, trusted members with a history of contributions can change or remove photos with a certain threshold.
- Chatbox – Some discussions on the site tend to go off-topic. We can add a dedicated chatbox where users can go off-topic. We can go even further and make it like a message board/forum.
All would seem alright, but most of all, I’d like to have a profile photo. So I can better reflect myself.
My one suggestion would be to have the ability to screen some individual users comments. I’m happy with the rest of the current configuration.
Last year you implemented a feature to screen comments that may be repetitive, irrelevant or disrespectful. In the new suggestions you have listed it appears you may allow comments and those may follow the same type of input. Please give an option to filter some types comments or users.
I second this for sure.
There are very few users that are consistently worth banning. Nothing that couldn’t be pushed over into a chatbox off the Babe page or at least muted in the Comments section.
But one in particular who would have been booted from any other moderated forum months ago definitely needs an off switch.
i think the site is functioning just fine as it is. there is no actual need for change, especially the social aspect. the commenting system is good enough
Good enough but needs some rough edges sanded down.
A mute switch would be great to just turn off the chat so you don’t need to see it if you dont want to.
Or maybe a mute on individual users so they can be abandoned to rage by themselves in the dark.
That would be acceptable.
The poll doesn’t work at all for me
Please try again now.
this site is not work with foxfire
Are you referring to this poll? Please try again.
The user photo input option could use some refining. For me. that process is overly complicated
Are you referring to the photo upload page where you drag & drop the photo onto the page?
What exactly is complicated about this? How can it become easier?
For me everything is good, the only thing is sometimes I search babes and you not have them listed and I have to suggest it and sometimes is refused. my sugestion is for you to expand your engine search to other websites, thanks.
If an entry is refused, you should receive an email with an explanation.
“my sugestion is for you to expand your engine search to other websites, thanks.”
What do you mean by this? Do you want to search other sites through our site? I don’t understand why that would be useful.
Glad he brought this up.
I think the “Suggest a Babe” thing needs to be a little more than just her name and should include at least 1 non-nude main profile pic.
If she doesn’t have a profile pic at minimum, her profile shouldn’t show up in the “More Like” section either.
I can’t see how you would look for a chick, not find her, then suggest her THEN mark down who she looks like, but NOT submit an actual pic of her.
We will consider this mandatory photo upload with a new profile suggestion.
What do we do if the photo isn’t suitable? Rejecting the whole thing seems like a good approach, forcing the user to make an effort.
I’m still going nuts over the fact that there is no way to list the profiles of all the babes THAT I HAVE RATED 10. The advanced search currently lists profiles of all the babes that have a User Rating anywhere on a given range. What I want is the ability to see the profiles that I have rated 10, so the criteria is not a range but a sharp integral value assigned by me. I don’t care if the consensus of the Babepedia users have rated a babe 8.45 out of 10, if I have rated her 10, I want an easy peazy, lemon squeezy way to list the babes that are a 10 in my opinion. PLEASE, I humbly request you to make this happen. Fingers crossed.
There are two ways to do that currently.
1- sort your favorites by your rating, which puts your 10s at the top automatically
2- make your own personal list, title it “My 10s” and add your 10s to it.
how can i upload photos do the babepedia website using the internet explorer, thanks
That’s literally right there on the bio page labeled “Upload a Photo”.
There has to be a better way to submit links to Galleries for Babes.
The current process is definitely harder than it needs to be.
Is there a good way to recommend pics in the future to replace old ones on a profile?
I do understand the desire to keep photo limits on each Babe profile.
(19 is literally a really odd number. Why not 25 or 30?)
But if you try to submit anything past the 19th, you are automatically stopped from submitting anything else.
Example: some of the ladies have vast amounts to draw from, but some Users have posted a Babe and 15 pics from her first ever sitting, leaving 4 spots for new pics, then it’s blocked forever.
Lastly- some of the models change their name almost as frequently as they change photographers or studios. This is especially true of models from Eastern Europe.
When those profiles merge, all the photos stay on the merged profile.
That’s great.
But a model that has not done 10 name changes in a year and possibly has literal decades of photograhic work in her history is limited to her first posted 19 pics.
You can use ‘Flag this profile’ to suggest the removal of photos that aren’t great. Once removed, you receive an email. This then opens the upload page again (assuming it was closed).
The number 19 is 4 + 15: There are max. 4 main profile photos and 15 user upload photos.
When we made the page many years ago, the most common desktop resolutions had room for 3 rows of 5 or 5 rows of 3 photos.
We may evaluate this again and maybe raise it to 20.
As for increasing it more: We’re walking on a thin line between making the site as good as possible (showing a good variety of photos) and keeping it manageable for our reviewer. If we increase it to 30 or higher, we’ll likely need to hire an extra person just to handle the reviews. He is already reviewing a few thousand photos per week. There is also the legal aspect. People tend to upload leaked photos from OnlyFans and paysites. This is a problem for some models and their agencies. The more we accept, the more private leaked photos are on there. This makes our position of “promoting the girls and their OnlyFans” less defensible. A sneak peak is ok, but a larger collection is not.