Leanna Decker – #1 Ranked in the Top Redheads category – April 15 2017

Leanna Decker, hailing from Kentucky, comes to Babepedia’s pages to grace it as the #1 highest ranked redhead on our site.  This spicy adult model has been a Playboy Cybergirl no less than twice though all this time, she’s been in our hearts!  The very sexy and alluring redhead has a unique zeal for posing in the nude and it shows through her fine work.  Her radiant personality and stunning good-lucks are only eclipsed by her unique auburn-red hair color and twinkling eyes.

Learn more about Leanna Decker on her Babepedia profile page which has links to our own photo galleries of Leanna as well.

Below is a preview photo that is linked to her highest rated picture gallery:

leanna decker redhead glamour babe naked