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Adriana Rame

aka Adriana Ramacci More info on her aliases

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Adriana Ramacci
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  • Died: Sunday 16th of September 2018 (age 78)
  • Born: Friday 13th of September 1940
  • Birthplace: Rome, Italy
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Profession: Actress (former)
  • Height: 5'9" (or 175 cm)
  • Body type: Slim

About Adriana Rame

Daughter of an employee and a housewife. She lived in Rome, but lived for several years in Sardinia, due to his father's work.
She played basketball in the Alghero team and had become regional champion of this sport.
Her beauty did not go unnoticed and she immediately began working as a model. Her photos appeared in Amica, Bella, Eva Express (before it became a tabloid magazine). In the fashion world she was simply called “Adria” Ramacci. She worked for the most famous fashion houses: Clara Centinaro, Fendi, the Fontana sisters, Rocco Barocco, Sarli, Krizia. She entered the world of photo novels at the age of 21, through a director and photographer who lived in her building. She worked exclusively for "Lancio", with the exception of the "Sogno" newspaper, which was then owned by Rizzoli.

Adriana Rame Performances

Solo: Nudity (Implied Nudity Only)

Adriana Rame Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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