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Alexa Vega

aka Alexa PenaVega More info on her aliases

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Alexa PenaVega
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About Alexa Vega

Alexa Vega has six siblings: paternal half-sister Margaux Vega (b. 1981), sister Krizia Vega (b. 1990), Actress sister Makenzie Vega (b. 1994; starred in Saw and Sin City), maternal half-sister Greylin James (b. 2000), maternal half-brother Jet James (b. 2005), and maternal half-brother Cruz Hudson Rue (b. 2009).

Her father, Baruch Vega, is a Colombian fashion photographer and student informer for the Central Intelligence Agency, and her mother, Gina Rue, is a former model.

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User comments

I want to wish you Happy Birthday and may all of your dreams expectations goals hopes and wishes become a reality

Posted by Punisher504 2024-09-27 13:40  

Definitely a sister combo i’d like to take on.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-08-27 13:55 (edited 2024-08-27 13:56)  

Mmmmm elle est vraiment trop bandante et j'aimerais ça la baiser solide

Posted by Garsvicieux 2022-10-11 14:36