Years active: 1989 - 2006 (started around 16 years old; 17 years in the business)
Piercings: Tongue
About Alexandria Quinn
Alexandra Quinn (born March 25, 1973 in Toronto, Ontario) is a Canadian porn star who has been active in the industry since the late 1980s.
Quinn started in the adult industry working as a table dancer at a strip club when she was only 14 with false ID. When Erica Boyer worked there one night as a feature dancer a couple of years later, Quinn asked Boyer about how she could become an actress in the movies. Boyer told Quinn she could stay with her until she found a place of her own, and took Diane to a casting agent. Quinn was only 16 at the time which Boyer did not know.
Alexandria Quinn's first year in the industry took place prior to her 18th birthday, which is the legal minimum in the United States and elsewhere for individuals to appear in pornography. Like the case of Traci Lords several years earlier it was discovered in the early 1990s that Quinn's earlier films were made before she was 18 (according to a 2000 interview with Quinn, the discovery occurred when she forgot to bring her fake identification to a session and used her real ID, not thinking they would notice the difference).
The videos were removed from the market and many were re-edited to remove all footage of her and re-released. However, deciding which films were not allowed was an easy matter as Quinn gifted herself with breast augmentation for her 18th birthday. As a result of the controversy Quinn left the porn industry for a time, appearing on news programs such as Hard Copy and blasting the porn industry. However she gradually resumed her career in the mid-1990s and was still an active porn star as of 2005, usually playing "the older woman."
As with Traci Lords, the legality of Quinn's earlier films varies from country to country.