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Allia Covino

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About Allia Covino

Popular creator on TikTok who is often collaborating with friends in her videos. She has accrued more than 700,000 followers for her allia.covino account.

Her oldest Instagram picture was from June of 2018. She is seen paddleboarding on Winnisquam Lake in the photo.

She was a competitive cheerleader.

She is from the United States. She has a brother who was known on TikTok as justcovino.

Her video "mom look away" that is set to Doja Cat's "Candy" was liked more than 5 million times.

Allia Covino Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Is she actually an escort? I don't believe it.

Posted by luckyasianman 2024-08-30 19:47  

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