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Amber Rose (Playboy)

aka Amber Rose More info on her aliases

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Amber Rose - Playboy Plus
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About Amber Rose (Playboy)

Amber Rose from Wichita, Kansas, has posed for 9 covers and 9 photosets.

As of July 2024, she has amassed 184,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

Playboy "Love In Bloom" 18 February 2024
Playboy "Bikini Beauties" 6 August 2023
Playboy "Unpublished: February" 27 February 2023
Playboy "Kaitlynn And Amber In Dream Date" 13 February 2023
Playboy "Kaitlynn And Amber In Room For Two" 25 November 2022
Playboy "Fun & Games" 1 May 2022
Playboy "Winter Getaway" 16 January 2022
Playboy "Amber Rose In Sun's Embrace" 20 September 2021
Playboy "Amber Rose In Making Shots" 25 August 2021

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User comments

She is gorgeous. I enjoyed her pictures, and the one that I enjoyed the most happened to one where she is fully clothed wearing a black dress. I might enjoy that one again tomorrow. She is just so pretty!

Posted by masturbate2020 2024-08-13 07:18  🛈  

Gorgeous, magnificent body and amazing nipples!! Wow!!

Posted by Masterb8 2024-07-21 17:56  🛈  

She’s incredible. Period.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-07-04 22:35  🛈  

Happy Birthday

Posted by gmlcgond11 2023-06-01 07:50  🛈  

We need more of her

Posted by jbryanking 2023-01-21 13:37  🛈  

This is a girl who would have been a huge star if they still had Playboy Playmates. She is freaking gorgeous. But nope can't have that with the new woke Playboy. So she ended up in Penthouse.

Posted by TrevorF 2022-12-04 03:26  🛈  

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Agree with you Trevor. Playboy literally use to say on the spine of the magazine ”Entertainment for Men”. Not sure off the top of my head which issue they started to make the switch but it's no longer exclusively for the blue blooded varsity all American guy who likes to look at hot chicks. I dropped my subscription. I have all of the online content and I still have my collection, but I no longer need a subscription just to be disappointed. But god damn you are right about this girl! I'd have to get a few copies of Playboy if this were back in the day. She is even a strong contender for PMOY!!

Posted by masturbate2020 2024-07-04 02:21  🛈  

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ironic you use woke incorrectly when crying over a black woman. once again, you degenerates have no clue what woke means.

Posted by Pervatory669 2024-07-07 01:55  🛈  

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Sounds to me he is applauding, not crying over, the black girl, which has nothing to do with woke as Playboy has had black centerfolds since the 80's or earlier, but rather berating Playboy for now modeling unhealthy, overweight women because that is what the average woman looks like today. Pandering to the lowest common denominator is just one part of the woke movement. Woke promotes the fringes of society (LGBTQ+) without regard to reality while also asking everyone to lower their standards so as not to offend those (people looking for government handouts) who chose not to better themselves.

Posted by lurker69 2024-07-07 14:08 (edited 2024-07-07 14:23)  🛈  

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Yep! They eliminated the term "Playmate of the Month". Also, the girls they are picking make my dick soft where as the Playmates in the past made my cock as hard as a diamond. I can't masturbate a limp dick. It was nice, when I felt like having an ejac, to be able to flip through Playboy, Penthouse or Hustler and get an erection. I cancelled my subscription when the girls they were picking made me limp. Hef didn't pick limp dick girls. He wanted to get us hard to keep us coming back. They did get us hard and we came back. He's gone and so are we. Guys wanting to get hard and jack off look at something else. Penthouse and Hustler both took Playboy's place. I know each month is a little bit different between the other two, but Playboy's new girls havr 100% kept me limp as a noodle. I guess they are printing it for someone else. As I said, "Entertainment for Men" has been removed from the spine of the magazine. That and they don't even print it any more. I use to get three copies, one for the coffee table, one for the bathroom and one for the archive. The bathroom copy got tattered, flattened and sometimes had my jizz fingerprints. Or wet and wrinkled from the steam of the bathroom. My jizz hasn't been near a newish Playboy for a few years now. Get me one from 83 - 2019 and I'm, like I said, hard as a rock and looking to blow a load.

Posted by masturbate2020 2024-07-08 22:02 (edited 2024-07-08 22:27)  🛈