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Ana Obregon

aka Ana Obregón / Ana Victoria García Obregón More info on her aliases

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Ana Obregón
Ana Victoria García Obregón
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About Ana Obregon

Ana is a Spanish actress, model, celebrity and socialite.
She obtained a Bachelor of Sciences in Biology (specialized in Zoology) from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
A staple of the Spanish prensa rosa or gossip press, Obregón is also famous in Spain and Britain for a long relationship with Croatia striker Davor Šuker as well as a supposed liaison with the Real Madrid and England international football player David Beckham. This led to a spat with Beckham's wife Victoria who famously referred to the 50-year old as a "geriatric Barbie". Obregón later denied any sexual misconduct on her part, but sued instead.

Ana Obregon Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

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