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Andrea Schwartz

aka Andréia Schwartz More info on her aliases

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Andréia Schwartz (Birth name)
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About Andrea Schwartz

Sexy Mag. cover and nude photoshoot at May, 2008

She was living in Nova Yourk when she was detained for 21 months accused of running a prostitution ring and returned to Brazil in 2008 after being deported. She was at the center of a scandal that brought down New York Governor Eliot Spitzer that year. The local press claimed that Andréia was a high-end pimp and prostitute. She reportedly worked at the club frequented by Spitzer and then set up a prostitution agency in her home.
In 2010, she tried to be elected deputy for her home state of Espírito Santo, but did not get the seat.

Andrea Schwartz Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Andrea Schwartz Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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