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Ania Bukstein

aka Anya Bukshteyn / Аня Букштейн / אניה בוקשטיין More info on her aliases

Ania Bukstein alias list:
Anya Bukshteyn
Аня Букштейн - Different alphabet (Russian, ...)
אניה בוקשטיין - Hebrew
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About Ania Bukstein

Ania Bukstein is an Israeli actress, singer, song-writer, pianist and voice actress. She was born in 1982 in Moscow, USSR, to Jewish parents. As a child in Moscow, she studied classical piano. Her family immigrated to Israel in the early 1990s. She began her acting career at age 12, appearing in the film Eretz Hadasha (A New Country). As a teenager, she attended Telma Yalin Arts High School in Givatayim, Israel. She served for two years in the Israeli Air Force. She married Israeli real estate developer Dotan Vainer in 2013. In Game of Thrones, she portrays Kinvara in the sixth season.

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