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Anna Redei

aka Anna Rédei / Enji Night More info on her aliases

Anna Redei alias list:
Anna Rédei - Name with special characters
Enji Night
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About Anna Redei

Even though she is more popular as Enji Night with most people thinking it is her real name, it was as Anna Redei that the cosplayer was born on September 30, 1991, in Hungary, Budapest. While there is not much that is known about how she was raised and her family background, it is known that she grew up as a very shy and lonely kid.

For her education, where she began schooling is still unknown, but because of her love for fashion and design, she decided to study fashion design in college.

As one of the most versatile cosplayers out there, Enji started out professionally in 2009 when she was 18. What drew her to it was her love for anime at the time, just as she was also playing online role-playing games which got her interested in the way the characters in the games and anime dressed. That became the kick for her. Since then, she has traveled to different parts of the world including Tunisia and Philippines for cosplay functions.

As far back as 2011, Night started her YouTube channel but did not follow it up seriously. She has only been able to post 9 videos by the start of the second half of 2018. Nevertheless, she has amassed nearly half a million views and over 15 thousand subscribers on the channel.

As indicated, apart from the costumes roles she plays, Night is also a model and there have been invitations for her to take part in film productions. In fact, Anna Redei was said to have been invited for the fantasy film, Sucker Punch but she didn’t take the role.

As of November 2024, Anna has amassed 1.0 million Instagram followers.

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User comments

She does an excellent Black Cat!

Posted by Sigvjold 2018-11-01 18:18  🛈