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Anza (Singer)

aka Anza Ohyama / Anza Ooyama / Anza Oyama / Anza Ōyama / 大山アンザ More info on her aliases

Anza (Singer) alias list:
Anza Ōyama
Anza Ohyama
Anza Ooyama
Anza Oyama
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About Anza (Singer)

Anza Ōyama, also known as simply Anza (stylized as ANZA), is a Japanese musician and theatre actress. She is best known as the vocalist and founding member of nu metal band Head Phones President since their formation in 1999. She was also previously a member of the J-pop idol group Sakurakko Club from 1992 until their disbandment in 1995, and was also one-half of the J-pop idol duo MOMO from 1993 to 1995. She is also known for playing the title character Sailor Moon in 13 thirteen separate musical productions from 1993 to 1998. She is half-Japanese, half-South African.

In 1997, Anza released a gravure photobook, which was titled "ANZA COMPLETE".

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Anza (Singer) Links

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Link badgeAnza Ohyama Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 32 Pictures2023-04-05
Link badgeAnza Ohyama Pictures (32 Images)2023-04-05

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Close your eyes, give me your hand darling

Posted by CasinoLoyal 2023-11-25 09:46  🛈