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Asuna Kawai

aka 河合あすな More info on her aliases

Asuna Kawai alias list:
河合あすな (her name in Japanese ideograms)
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About Asuna Kawai

Asuna Kawai is a Japanese gravure idol and AV actress active since 2018.

Made her first media appearance on December 18th, 2017 on "Delusion Monday" (AbemaTV).

She debuted as an AV actress on January 7, 2018 and she was worried about the size of her breasts when she was in the third year of junior high school, she hated it and went to school wearing a breast binding.

With her AV debut, she won first place appearance in online shopping such as Amazon Adult Ranking and DMM.R18.

She was nominated for the FANZA Adult Awards 2019 Best New Actress Award.

On August 1, 2020, she ranked first in the Geo TV adult news media MANGO "Who is the AV actress with ideal boobs?".

Her first experience was at a love hotel when she was 18 yo.

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