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Barbara Favale

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About Barbara Favale

Before her experience at "OK", she was a model. From September 1994 to June '96 she assisted Davide Mengacci in the Retequattro daily talk show "Perdonami", while in 1997 she replaced Natalia Estrada in the Retequattro morning teleshopping program "La vetrina degli Affari".

In the summer of 2001 he began to present, alongside Giorgio Mastrota, also the teleshopping of Italia 1 hosted inside "Italia 1 Shop", before moving on to those of Canale 5 with Cesare Cadeo. Since 2003 he has also supported Marco Predolin in the promotional spaces of the Mediaset flagship network.

Barbara Favale Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

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