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Bee Simmano

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About Bee Simmano

As of October 2024, Bee has amassed 22,000 followers on her Twitch platform.

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Bee has done some modelling—she competed in the 10th annual Hooters International Swimsuit Pageant—but her notoriety is primarily due to her skill as a gamer. From humble beginnings on an Atari 2600, Bee was a vital member of the top ranked all-female team who battled for the COD: Black Ops 1 crown back in 2011. From her Twitter account, I gather she is now destroying the self esteem of thousands of nerds on COD Ghosts while championing an all-girl team, D2K. Good looks, gaming skills and her own line of t-shirts.

Name: Bee Simmano
Gamer Tag: Bombhor
Born: March 13, 1983, Fairfield, California
Nationality: Thai

Posted by caxtonclose 2021-07-07 09:48  🛈  

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