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Beth Fithen

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About Beth Fithen

Beth Fithen is an American adult model who has appeared in several Playboy Special Edition publications. Her husband later filed a lawsuit against a police department he was employed at due to harrassment.

Beth debuted in the Playboy 2007 Indianapolis Casting Call, then appeared in the Cyber Club features "Sexy Wives" and "Women of Playboy." Those features were later removed, possibly because of the above lawsuit.

She also appeared in the Cyber Club feature S.E.X. (Special Editions Xtreme), #98.

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Link badgeBeth Fithen - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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I want to wish you Happy Birthday and may all of your dreams expectations goals hopes and wishes become a reality

Posted by Punisher504 2024-11-30 20:53  

Even though you are already married and have four children, I still want to try your body. Don't worry, I won't make you pregnant.

Posted by breedoften 2014-09-18 00:35  

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Yes, I'm sure with a name like "breedoften" you won't get her pregnant. Especially since you're a lying impotent worm.

Posted by drusus 2021-12-04 11:56