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Bia Miranda

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About Bia Miranda

Social media personality who is best known as the granddaughter of Maria Odete Brito de Miranda aka Gretchen_(singer). She gained media exposure after having an affair with former soccer player Adriano Imperador. At the age of 18, she appeared on season 14 of the Brazilian reality series A Fazenda.

As of April 2024, she has amassed 4.8 million followers on Instagram and 2.7 million followers on her TikTok platform.

She is the daughter of Jhenny Miranda. She has a sister named Giullia Miranda and a younger brother named Enrico.

Bia Miranda Performances

Boy/girl: Vaginal

Bia Miranda Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Bia Miranda Links

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User comments

Such a bad girl. ;-P
She cheated her cuckold ex-boyfriend relentlessly. ;-)

Posted by Nando 2024-09-08 00:11 (edited 2024-09-08 01:34)