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Clarissa Bea

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About Clarissa Bea

British TikTok star known for her lip sync content and for her TikToks responding to her followers' comments. Her clarissabeaa TikTok has over 490,000 followers.

She posted her first TikTok in May 2020. In the video, she lip syncs to a song.

She posts selfies and modeling content on her clarissabeaa Instagram where she has over 40,000 followers. She streams video games such as Fornite on her clarissabea Twitch. She also posts vlogs, Q&A videos, and make up tutorials on her Clarissa Bea YouTube.

She has a sister.

She has made TikToks in response to her followers who have noticed her appearance looks similar to Madison Beer.

Clarissa Bea Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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