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Crystal Marie Denha

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About Crystal Marie Denha

Crystal Marie Denha is an American actress, TV host, and comedian. She is a correspondent for EXTRA, HBO Boxing, Sunrise Australia, and HLN’s The Daily Share. She has also served as MC of HBO’s live red carpet events. She first gained recognition on the web, as the host, producer and creator of the popular sports channel The Fumble. Her videos garnered over 300 million views before she moved on to television.

Denha is of Iraqi descent. She is Catholic.

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Hehe. Some people just don't have thick skin, I guess. Odd for someone who claims to be a comedian to not have thick skin, though.

Posted by mobiryder 2018-05-11 08:40  🛈  

YOU post something offensive??!! NEVER! I don't believe it ;)

Posted by mobiryder 2018-02-07 10:15  🛈