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Desiree-Elyda Villalobos

aka Desiree Elyda More info on her aliases

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Desiree Elyda
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About Desiree-Elyda Villalobos

Desiree-Elyda Villalobos is from Surrey, British Columbia (Canada). She is a nice catholic Latina that believes in celibacy, and doesn't smoke or drink. She graduated high school in 2007 and is currently in college while working as a model and actress.

Desiree-Elyda Villalobos Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Amazingly short career from her Amazongas. IF only every woman shared her large breasts with most of us. The world would be in a much better place wouldn't you say? This woman is a dime without her large tata's and thats saying alot! Cmon Desiree just

Posted by linkagev 2024-09-18 12:32  

Amazingly short career from her Amazongas. IF only every woman shared her large breasts with most of us. The world would be in a much better place wouldn't you say? This woman is a dime without her large tata's and thats saying alot! Cmon Desiree just

Posted by linkagev 2024-09-18 12:32