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aka Desislava Dimova / Desislava Georgieva Dimova / Десислава Георгиева Димова / Десислава Димова / Десита More info on her aliases

Dessita alias list:
Desislava Dimova - Real name (Anglicized Bulgarian)
Desislava Georgieva Dimova - Real name (full/Anglicized Bulgarian)
Десислава Георгиева Димова - Real name (full/Bulgarian Cyrillic)
Десислава Димова - Real name (Bulgarian Cyrillic)
Десита - Professional name (Bulgarian Cyrillic)
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About Dessita

Desislava Georgieva Dimova (Bulgarian: Десислава Георгиева Димова), known professionally as Dessita (Bulgarian: Десита), is a Bulgarian musician.

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Bulgarian goddess

Posted by Fapman56 2024-04-03 20:47  

Young women need to stop doing the blown out duck lips. A little lip filler is okay, but this trend of inflating your lips to massive proportions is throwing off facial symmetry, so they're paying to look worse. It's another instance of the beauty industry building insecurity about something when most men simply do not care or in many cases prefer the way it looked before.

Posted by ryanon 2024-04-02 19:41  

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I agree, but I don't think that it applies here. It's just the way she poses and does her lipstick.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2024-11-20 02:12