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Dorothy LeMay

aka Dorothy Staton Alder More info on her aliases

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Dorothy Staton Alder
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About Dorothy LeMay

Dorothy LeMay is an American former pornographic actress, who was active in pornography industry from the late 1970s until the early-1980s. She has been inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame. Born Dorothy Staton Adler in 1958, and raised in Dayton Ohio, Dorothy LeMay married right out of high school and moved with her husband to San Francisco in 1976. While working at a desk job at the University of California in Berkley, she answered an ad Harold Adler (no relation) placed that read “Make movies, make $300 a day”, and Adler’s agency quickly lined her up as a Farrah Fawcett look-alike in a film called A FORMAL FAUCETT.
Dorothy LeMay's fame soared, and she grabbed roles in such erotic classics as 'Taboo,' 'Taboo II,' and 'Talk Dirty To Me.' Dorothy LeMay retired from the business in 1982, having starred in just over 30 features. Any one of them is a good chance to catch one of the most believable, refreshingly natural erotic talents in porn history.
Dorothy left the biz after Nightdreams. "I had just broken up with Ernie who I met during High School Memories. I had my first lesbian affair because I hated Ernie. I had a good job at ABC Messenger Service in LA, so I decided to cool out from the business for a while.

Dorothy LeMay Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Boy/girl: Blowjob, Vaginal, Anal

Special: Incest

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Love U :D

Posted by anser 2021-12-05 18:16  🛈  

very cute

Posted by azeri98 2020-12-21 18:47  🛈  

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