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Echo Yue

aka Echo0210 More info on her aliases

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User Rating: 8.78/10 (115 votes)
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Current rank: #6733 Ranking Graph
153 have favorited her

About Echo Yue

As of December 2023, she has amassed 186,000 followers on Instagram.

Are Echo Yue's boobs real or not?

It is uncertain to us whether Echo Yue has fake breasts. Some sources claim she received a boobjob, among several other plastic surgeries, such as butt implants, Botox injections & facial fillers. We have not seen conclusive proof. After looking at some of the many videos of her walking on the street, we believe her breasts are natural. They bounce and wiggle like real breasts. You can see her here and here (Warning: videos contain loud music).

Conclusion: Probably real, but we are not sure.

Echo Yue Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Echo Yue Links

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User comments

fake boobs or not, she's damn good looking!

Posted by txmi_ari 2024-04-21 21:55  

Echo Yue used to make videos as a completely flat work out babe. She had A cups, everything past that is artificial. Still enjoyable to watch the jiggle with clothes on. She does it well. I would say, 98% of Chinese girls posting boobs over C cups size aren't real, most of them are A - B cups. Porn is a make believe world.

Posted by GORDONLIGHTFOOT 2023-10-16 23:53  

Hard to believe those are natural. If they are then she's a freak of nature -- in a very good way.

Posted by l7777 2023-06-19 05:08  

If those are real, then she might replace Daniella Wang as "China's goddess of boobs."

Posted by artie 2022-11-29 04:54  

She's incredible... why such a low ranking?

Posted by booblux 2022-10-17 23:02