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Elizabeth Marshall

aka Elizabeth Anna Marshall / Liz Marshall More info on her aliases

Elizabeth Marshall alias list:
Elizabeth Anna Marshall
Liz Marshall
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About Elizabeth Marshall

"My name is Elizabeth Marshall. After spending most of my teenage years buried in books, I decided in my early 20s to give the gym- the weight rack in particular- a try, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve been involved with different fitness and wellness lifestyles for over a decade, and my passion is to motivate and inspire others to start leading active, healthy, motivated lives as well.

I grew up in Texas, a little girl who couldn’t help but allow the expanses around her to drive her towards big dreams. After competing in several bodybuilding shows as a bikini competitor, I realized that the competition lifestyle just isn’t for me. I’ve always been much more attracted to art and journalism, and modeling and photography are exhilarating outlets for the creative spirits that drive me. My drive and passion with fitness really come from encouraging others and creating beautiful things, and I’m blessed that I get to do both every single day.

An internationally published cover model, I now split my time between Texas and the Rocky Mountains in Colorado."

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