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Elizabeth Simonenko

aka Lisi / Lisiflex More info on her aliases

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About Elizabeth Simonenko

Lisi is originally from Ukraine and immigrated with her mother to the US in 2022 due to the war in her home country.
In her younger years she was a successful gymnast and at some point started modeling as a hobby and is now an aspiring model. She is active on Instagram and various other platforms such as Patreon, where she uploads exclusive content and interacts with her fans. Her mother is her manager and photographer and her biggest supporter as well.

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User comments

The queen of the girls in the multiverse

Posted by nardunedain 2024-09-23 15:44  

I love too much Lisiflex

Posted by guillermoh 2024-09-22 20:34  

Beautiful and horny!!! From waifuist to Babepedia

Posted by guillermoh 2023-06-23 10:05  

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