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Ella Purnell

aka Ella Summer Purnell More info on her aliases

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Ella Summer Purnell
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About Ella Purnell

Ella Purnell is an English actress born on September 17, 1996, in London, England. She rose to prominence for her role as the younger version of the character Mia in the film "Never Let Me Go" (2010).

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This site implies she's part Korean:

Posted by NLK3 2024-12-13 03:00  

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She's part Hungarian, hence the "Asianesque" epicanthic eyes.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2024-12-13 03:11  

Lets be honest, we all thought she played Bautista's daughter for a reason. She can't be just white. Even says she just Scottish, English, and "possibly other."

According to halcyon91 on that site, her mom is Anglo-Burmese and Anglo-Indian.

Posted by NLK3 2024-12-13 02:51  

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Great... follers on said they removed it because "Didn't want it there." Now I can't trust that site if biased ass people can remove what might be fact.

Posted by NLK3 2024-12-13 02:54  

Those eyes should be illegal. She could stop a guys heart with those things.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-09-30 15:06  

love her in fall out !!!! best American TV show since cancel culture and the pandemic and woke wood ruined it all

Posted by noonecares 2024-04-28 11:09  

I could just stare at her all day the look of a future "Bond Girl"

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-04-27 23:58  

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depends on if the bring back the old styler of bond with the next actor I didn’t care for D-Craigs version of bond lost a lot of what made bond bond the whole ladies’ man aspect and the charm they focused more on the violent side of him instead ..... she would have been great back in the day paired with a conery or moore bond hope she gets to be paired with someone who can pull off bond she would be awsume

Posted by noonecares 2024-04-28 11:08  

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i've never saw any Bond Movie with Craig or Morgan

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-04-28 18:30  

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you have not missed anything worth seeing

Posted by noonecares 2024-05-04 18:29