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Elsa Day

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About Elsa Day

If you love fit and fierce girls, than you’ll love Elsa Day. Elsa’s a loved American model for Playboy and hails from a small town in Iowa just a few hours away from the big city of Chicago. Though we love her here, she’s had much success south of the border, as Playmate of the month in December 2015 for Playboy Mexico. “I am so honored and grateful to have succeeded,” she gleams. The long blonde-haired beauty met Playboy Mexico while in Cancun, and loves the country and all her fans there. “I really want to go back to Mexico and meet all my fans. It’s very special to my heart,” she gushes. When the lovely Elsa Day isn’t posing for us, she’s staying fit and competing in fitness bikini competitions and promoting her hair styling business. “I want to keep busy with work,” she says with authority. We can’t wait to see more of you too, Elsa Day.

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