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Emma Carlsson

aka Kandyland / Queen Of Pepega More info on her aliases

Emma Carlsson alias list:
Queen Of Pepega
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About Emma Carlsson

Partnered Twitch streamer who is mostly known for playing online competitive games like League of Legends and World of Warcraft. And cooking streams. Her channel, Kandyland, has grown to more than 180,000 subscribers. She answers fan questions and posts gameplay compilations on her YouTube channel.

As of September 2024, Emma has amassed 106,000 followers on Instagram, 22,900 subscribers on YouTube and 428,000 followers on her Twitch platform.

She grew up and lives in Piteå in Norrbotten County which is the most northern part of Sweden.

She studied to be a computer programmer. Recently found success in Twitch quiz shows, representing EU.

Her real name is Emma Carlsson. She and Alinity Divine have both been known to play World of Warcraft on Twitch.

She has a sister called Elina (Twitch) who also streams on Twitch.

Are Emma Carlsson's boobs real or not?

Her breasts are fake. She talks about her boob job on YouTube.

Emma Carlsson Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Emma Carlsson Links

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Link badgeEmma Carlsson - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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User comments

I would love to see her nude😍🥰😍

Posted by booblover89 2023-01-28 02:24  🛈