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Estella Warren

aka Estelle Warren More info on her aliases

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Estelle Warren
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About Estella Warren

Estella Dawn Warren is an actress, fashion model, and former synchronized swimmer.

During her swimming career, she was a member of the Canadian national team and won three national titles. In 1995, after becoming the senior national champion, Warren had the chance to move on to the 1996 Summer Olympics. She is a three-time Canada national team champion and the solo bronze medallist at the 1995 Junior World Championships.

Her international modelling career and recognition worldwide was set after she shot the Cacharel fragrance campaign "Eau d'Eden" with French photographer director Jean Paul Goude, then followed the Chanel No. 5 campaign with director Luc Besson, all while she was managed by George Gallier.

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User comments

Sexy as hell. Her eyes are spectacular.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-08-05 18:59  🛈  

Bit of a checkered past, but what a beauty.

Posted by ryanon 2024-05-06 13:28  🛈  

Perfect lips and mouth

Posted by Toadster2222 2023-01-26 14:17  🛈  

Spent a few hours in Peterborough, Ontario in May 1990; Estella would have been 11 and I doubt I would have given her a second glance, but it would certainly be different now!

Posted by RichardWagner 2021-08-21 20:14  🛈