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Evanna Maxted

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About Evanna Maxted

Evanna Maxted is Adam Maxted's Daughter and an Internet Personality on YouTube along with fellow arch enemy rivals Moll and Luce.

She Moved to University of Salford in 2018 at the age of 19 as a Radio/TV Broadcasting include Shock Radio (Shock Goes Quiet), Utter Radio (Utter Goes Quiet) and later a newcomer on Cool FM (Cool Goes Quiet).

She was born on 24 June 1999 the same year as Moll and Luce was born.

She watched Adam Maxted on Love Island when she was 17 years old in 2016.

In 2022, She presents the reboot version of the classic CBBC gameshow Clockwise and also CBBC shows include Moll and Luce's CBBC Takeover and Login and later a presenter at CBBC HQ from May 2022 onwards.

In her 1st day at CBBC, Her fellow colleague Hacker T. Dog Calling Evanna Maxted a "Mucky Pig".

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