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Francine Meeks

aka Francine / Francine Fournier / Miss Montgomeryville More info on her aliases

Francine Meeks alias list:
Francine - Ring name (ECW)
Francine Fournier - Real name
Miss Montgomeryville - Ring name (ECW)
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About Francine Meeks

Francine Meeks (née Fournier), known by the mononym Francine, is an American professional wrestling valet and professional wrestler. She is best known for her appearances with Extreme Championship Wrestling from 1995 to 2001 and with World Wrestling Entertainment in 2005 and 2006. During her tenure with ECW, Francine managed several of the promotion's top wrestlers.

Meeks is of French descent.

Francine Meeks Performances

Solo: Nudity (Implied Nudity Only)

Francine Meeks Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Francine Meeks Links

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Link badgeFrancine Fournier - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2023-02-20

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User comments

She's gotten even better looking as she's aged. She looks 35 at 52.


Posted by LeLoyon71 2024-10-17 01:01