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Gloria Steinem

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About Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem is an American journalist and publisher who has written for Ms. and New York magazines, and is apparently associated with some new-fangled form of activism that concerns itself with the rights of women. Honestly! Next thing, these people will be demanding the right to vote....She first came to prominence by going undercover as a Playboy bunny and documenting that these women were fed only a steady diet of Alpo and frequently whipped when not chained in Hef's basement (well, something like that anyway). Anyway, as a reward for her pioneering work she earned, among other things, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013. She has also served on a whole bunch of committees, God alone knows whether anything ever came of them. Apparently her measurements are a closely-guarded state secret; I couldn't get anything beyond height and weight (and a shoe size of 9). (We do know that in her youth she was physically qualified to fill out a bunny suit. Who needs anything more?)

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Can I call you aunty?

Posted by VinmenP 2023-10-02 17:32  🛈  


Posted by VinmenP 2023-10-02 17:30  🛈