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Hana Mae Lee

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Current rank: unranked
  • Age: 36 years young
  • Born: Wednesday 28th of September 1988
  • Birthplace: Лос-Анджелес, California, United States
  • Nationality: Korean
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Profession: Actress, Comedian, Fashion Designer, Model
  • Hair color: Black
  • Height: 5'5" (or 165 cm)
  • Body type: Slim
  • Years active: 2006 - present (started around 18 years old; 19 years in the business)
  • Instagram follower count: 202k (as of February 2025)

About Hana Mae Lee

К 15 годам будущая актриса стала полупрофессиональным визажистом..В 16 лет поступила в "Колледж Отиса искусства и дизайна". Её услугами как дизайнера моды, пользовались такие бренды как Juicy Couture, Mossimo и Polo Ralph Lauren. С 16 лет Ли начала карьеру модели: снималась для реклам Honda, Jeep, Apple, Nokia, American Express, Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola Cherry и других. Её фото появлялись в журналах Time, Elle, Teen Vogue, Vogue Korea и других.

(English translation of the above. In the future, can our Russian friends please translate? Thanks)

By the age of 15, the future actress became a semi-professional makeup artist. At the age of 16, she entered the Otis College of Art and Design. Her services as a fashion designer have been used by brands such as Juicy Couture, Mossimo and Polo Ralph Lauren. From the age of 16, Li began her modeling career: she starred for commercials for Honda, Jeep, Apple, Nokia, American Express, Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola Cherry and others. Her photos have appeared in Time, Elle, Teen Vogue, Vogue Korea, and more.

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User comments

Super fucking cute.

Posted by RoberDude 2025-01-09 11:38  🛈