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Hope Marie

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About Hope Marie

Widely popular YouTube vlogger with a channel called Hope's Vlogs, who also runs the more popular channel SuperHeroKids. Additionally, she makes up one-half of the channel Jazzy Girl Stuff. Her Instagram has listed her as an actor.

She began her collaboration on Jazzy Girl Stuff in January of 2015 before creating her other channels later that same year.

Her video "The Whole Story: Little Heroes Joker w/ Spiderman, Batman, Paul Fun in Real Life Comic SuperHeroKids" was watched more than 12 million times over the course of just one month. She released her first single on Spotify in 2020 called "Always Be Your Girl".

She runs the SuperHeroKids channel along with her six siblings, Zane, Reese, Eden, Noah, Haven and Miles.

She and Annie's Vlogs run a collaborative channel together called Jazzy Girl Stuff.

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