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aka HyunA / Kim Hyun-ah / 현아 More info on her aliases

Hyuna alias list:
현아 (her name in Korean ideograms)
Kim Hyun-ah
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About Hyuna

Kim Hyun-ah, better known by the mononym Hyuna, is a South Korean singer-songwriter, rapper and model.

She debuted as a member of the girl group Wonder Girls in February 2007.

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sexy slut of kpop. She maked a lot of men horny in her younger 20’s. Bunch of guys had to jerk off when watching her performance “bubble pop”, “trouble maker”. She was just like a succubus and boys could not resist of losing semen.

Posted by robewon 2023-07-01 03:03  

Rany knows a lot of pictures of Hyuna where her beautiful face - I like Asian women anyway - was mounted on a naked body. Why do people do that? Simple answer: because they can (and have way too much free time 😑...).

She is a beautiful human being, and in Psy's video 'Gangnam Style' she is simply gorgeous!

Posted by Rany 2023-03-06 11:50  

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