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Iesha Marie

aka Iesha Marie Crespo More info on her aliases

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Iesha Marie Crespo
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76 have favorited her

About Iesha Marie

Cover and bikini model who has earned over 500,000 followers on Instagram. She was featured by Mixed Magazine.

Before Fame
She was working as a bartender in Miami, Florida while breaking into the modeling industry.

She was featured on the HBO series Ballers. She was affiliated with a girl gang in Miami called Taz's Angels.

Family Life
She is 100% Puerto Rican and was born in Vineland, New Jersey. She had romantic ties to Drake.

Associated With
She was featured in a music video for Rick Ross and Omarion.

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8.49/10 (59 votes)Current rank: #3513 355 publicações 506.678 seguidores 864 seguindo 44 have favorited her Age: 31

Posted by pompe2 2021-06-16 10:08