Iris Stefanelli
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- Age: 45 years young
- Born: Monday 23rd of July 1979
- Birthplace: Tupa, São Paulo, Brazil
- Profession: Actress, TV Host
- Hair color: Blonde
- Eye color: Green
- Height: 5'5" (or 165 cm)
- Body type: Slim
- Boobs: Real/Natural
- Instagram follower count: 1.2m (as of December 2024)
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User comments
What a gorgeous body. Damn.
2024-07-23 06:21 ⚠
Estragou o rosto. Que horror.
2021-10-13 21:30 ⚠
Íris Stefanelli foi excelente nas fotos. A melhor foto de Íris foi a 14ª, em que ela toma banho na banheira de bruços. Eu amo a bunda feminina.
2021-10-13 14:28 ⚠
2 have favorited her
Age: 41
2021-04-26 11:15 ⚠